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Boulder Arts Blueprint Questionnaire


Which of the following best describes you? (pick all the apply)

* required
Attend arts and culture events (performances, festivals, exhibits)
Seek out public artwork (sculptures, murals, temporary installations, etc.)
Buy locally made art or crafts
Volunteer with an arts or culture organization
Take classes or practice a traditional art or craft
I don’t currently engage with arts and culture in Boulder

From the list below, please select the top five arts and culture experiences you would like to see more of in Boulder.

* required
Cost is a barrier to participating in arts and culture opportunities.
Location and / or /accessibility of activities is a barrier to participating in arts and culture opportunities.
Relevance to my interests is a barrier to participating in arts and culture opportunities.
Family and child-friendliness is a barrier to participating in arts and culture opportunities.
Dates and times of events or programs is a barrier to participating in arts and culture opportunities.
Awareness of opportunities is a barrier to participating in arts and culture opportunities.
Feeling welcome and accepted is a barrier to participating in arts and culture opportunities.
Providing public art in the community (sculptures, murals, etc.)
Increasing support for individual artists
Increasing support for nonprofit arts and cultural organizations
Increasing opportunities for youth to engage in the arts
Increasing support for arts and cultural events and activities
Increasing support for arts and cultural programming for adults and families
Growing Boulder Arts Week
Increasing support for arts businesses and venues
Select option


What is your gender?


In which category is your age?


How would you describe your annual household income?


Which race(s) and/or ethnic group(s) do you most identify with? Select all that apply.