In 2023, Boulder voters passed Ballot Measure 2A. This measure extended the existing $0.15 sales and use tax with 50% dedicated for “arts, culture and heritage purposes. This includes direct and grant funding for arts and culture nonprofits, professional artists, arts education, venues, and workspaces, public art and multi-cultural programs.”
The City of Boulder also has separate 1% for Art funding for projects that are not included in the 2A Tax; these funds support new public art projects (e.g., murals, sculptures or other artwork in municipal buildings).
And, many departments in the city fund arts programming (for instance, dance classes in recreation centers), partners on venues for several nonprofits (for instance, The Dairy Arts Center and The Pottery Lab) and sponsors cultural events (for instance Indigenous Heritage Month and Art in the Park).
Considering the categories in the ballot and the wide range of funding for the arts, what two or three things are the most important considerations for how the city should prioritize work, including use of the new dedicated funding?