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Issues Questionnaire

We want to know what issues related to flood and stormwater management in Boulder are important to you! Please fill out the questionnaire below to provide your thoughts. Examples of what policy areas flood and stormwater management address are provided below. Your responses will help us update the city's Comprehensive Flood and Stormwater (CFS) Master Plan. The questionnaire closes Feb. 22. 

¡Deseamos saber cuáles problemas considera importante en cuanto al manejo de inundaciones y aguas pluviales en Boulder! Por favor complete el cuestionario de que pueda darnos su opinión: 

  • Flood management includes areas related to how the city:
    • Determines flood risk and develops floodplain maps
    • Plans flood mitigation infrastructure such as drainageways and culverts
    • Prepares for floods and emergency response
    • Establishes floodplain regulations for new developments 
    • Prioritizes flood mitigation projects

  • Stormwater management includes areas related to how the city: 
    • Protects public health, safety and welfare from damage due to stormwater runoff (defined as water that comes from rain or snow/ice melt)
    • Prevents pollution in stormwater runoff and enhances water quality of receiving waters such as Boulder Creek
    • Can develop an integrated approach to managing ecosystems and green infrastructure along major drainageways/creeks
    • Addresses groundwater issues related to development proposals
    • Develops infrastructure design and construction standards