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Open House 2 Questionnaire

This questionnaire is open through Monday, March 24. 

This form is being provided so that community members can share their thoughts easily and accessibly online. The input gathered here will be combined with feedback collected during other engagement events and opportunities on this topic. This form should not be viewed as a proxy for voting. Participation is not randomized, so results cannot be tallied to determine a “winning” or communitywide perspective.

Este formulario se le proporciona para que pueda compartir sus opiniones de manera fácil y accesible en línea. Los comentarios recopilados aquí se sumarán a las opiniones recogidas en otros eventos y oportunidades de participación sobre este tema. Este formulario no reemplaza un proceso de votación. La participación mediante este proceso no es aleatoria, por lo que los resultados no se utilizarán para determinar una opinión “ganadora” o la postura general de la comunidad.

0% answered

Share Your Input on the Alternatives

Review the project-specific evaluation criteria below and then proceed to the subsequent questions. 

Project-Specific Evaluation Criteria

Traffic Safety:

  • Will the vehicles be driving slower because there are fewer lanes or the road is narrower?
  • When I am driving, are there safer ways for me to travel, like a place for me to wait to turn off the street?
  • When I’m walking, biking or using a scooter, is there dedicated space for each of us? Will I have a safe space to wait to cross at intersections?
  • OR, instead of the above questions: Slowing down vehicles, reducing the number of conflict points and providing dedicated space for all road users to reduce the potential for crashes. 

Transit Service: 

  • When I ride the bus, will there be shelters and benches for me to use while waiting?
  • Will I have to share the bus stop with the bike lane?
  • Will the improvements keep my bus running on time?
  • OR, instead of the above questions: Providing space for bus stop amenities, like shelters and benches, and dedicated space at stops for transit riders.

Implementation Feasibility: 

  • Can the alternative be built with the funding awarded for north of Pearl Street?
  • How quickly can we build?
  • Will the street need to change a lot to build?
  • How hard will it be to maintain?
  • OR, instead of the above questions: Keep the construction time efficient, construction costs within the budget of available funds, and maintenance cost and effort minimal.

Transportation Operations: 

  • How much space will emergency response vehicles have to respond to calls or disasters
  • How long will it take me to drive the corridor?
  • Will I have a long wait at intersections?
  • OR, instead of the above questions: Maintaining the space needed for emergency vehicle response and the time it takes for personal vehicles to drive the extent of north 30th Street.

Safe + Comfortable Connections:

  • Am I separated from cars with something more than paint, and how wide is the separation?
  • Do I have to cross more than one lane of traffic when I want to cross the road?
  • Can I have a safe place to wait if I need it?
  • OR, instead of the above questions: Providing more safe and comfortable spaces and crossings for people walking, bike and rolling. 

Urban Design + Placemaking:

  • Can the existing trees be preserved?
  • Are there spaces to make the street more attractive and vibrant?
  • OR, instead of the above questions: Preserving existing trees and adding more opportunities for green space. 




