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This phase of engagement has ended. This project is expected to be re-opened in spring 2019 to gather more input.
The City of Boulder Parks and Recreation department owns the Harbeck-Bergheim House, a local historic landmark located at 1206 Euclid Ave. For many decades the house was leased by the newly re-branded Museum of Boulder, though the museum has recently moved to a new location. As the museum completes their move from the Harbeck-Bergheim House location, we would like to discuss the future possibilities for this valuable historic asset with the community.
Project Objectives:
Incorporate a long-term solution for the future use and ownership of the Harbeck-Bergheim House that maintains the historical and vibrant integrity of the landmarked property.
Develop the long-term strategy in consultation with key stakeholders and the Boulder community.
Determine the long-term sustainability of the most appropriate solution with support from the community, stakeholders, Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and City Council.
Guide identification for the most successful long-term solution through continual alignment with the mission, goals and objectives of the Boulder Parks and Recreation department and Master Plan.
Inform the community, internal and external stakeholders, as appropriate, to build awareness around how feedback may be incorporated throughout the engagement process, measuring success and outcomes.
Please visit the Harbeck-Bergheim House webpage for more information on the project such as background, ownership and use timeline, project process.
Please explore the survey, stories and ideas tabs below to be part of the decision-making process.
The City of Boulder Parks and Recreation department owns the Harbeck-Bergheim House, a local historic landmark located at 1206 Euclid Ave. For many decades the house was leased by the newly re-branded Museum of Boulder, though the museum has recently moved to a new location. As the museum completes their move from the Harbeck-Bergheim House location, we would like to discuss the future possibilities for this valuable historic asset with the community.
Project Objectives:
Incorporate a long-term solution for the future use and ownership of the Harbeck-Bergheim House that maintains the historical and vibrant integrity of the landmarked property.
Develop the long-term strategy in consultation with key stakeholders and the Boulder community.
Determine the long-term sustainability of the most appropriate solution with support from the community, stakeholders, Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and City Council.
Guide identification for the most successful long-term solution through continual alignment with the mission, goals and objectives of the Boulder Parks and Recreation department and Master Plan.
Inform the community, internal and external stakeholders, as appropriate, to build awareness around how feedback may be incorporated throughout the engagement process, measuring success and outcomes.
Please visit the Harbeck-Bergheim House webpage for more information on the project such as background, ownership and use timeline, project process.
Please explore the survey, stories and ideas tabs below to be part of the decision-making process.
Ensure the community has a thorough understanding of the situation and issues involved with the property.
Facilitate a variety of opportunities to share information, outline the options and receive and consider community feedback and ideas through:
Identify Preferred Options
Harbeck-Bergheim House is currently at this stage
Evaluate all ideas and feedback to identify preferred options for further research and consideration
Present transparent process of consideration of all feedback from community stakeholders, Boards, City Council and subject experts compared to historic preservation and zoning restrictions
Solicit final community feedback on preferred options prior to seeking consideration and approval
Determination of Preferred Option and Implementation
this is an upcoming stage for Harbeck-Bergheim House
Prepare a memo outlining the preferred option for review and consideration of approval
Outline the implementation strategy and next steps
Clearly communicating the decisions and rationale as well as reflecting and evaluating the overall process and approach