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Consultation has concluded
PROJECT UPDATE: Ordinance 8590, the final ordinance of the Use Table project, was adopted by City Council on November 16. This concludes the Use Table and Standards Project.
The Use Table displays the allowed land uses in the various zoning districts of the city, and is found within Chapter 6 of the Land Use Code. In 2018, the Planning Board identified the revision of the Use Table and Standards as a priority item for Land Use Code updates. Phase One of the project was completed in 2019. Phase Two was paused in Fall 2020 due to staffing challenges during the pandemic, but the work has restarted in 2022.
The initial goals of the project include:
Simplifying the Use Table and streamline the regulations where possible, making the Use Standards and Table more understandable and legible.
Creating more predictability and certainty in the Use Standards chapter of the Land Use Code.
Aligning the Use Table and permitted uses with the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan goals, policies and land use designations.
Identifying any community-desired land use gaps in the Use Table and Standards, and better enabling the desired land uses in the identified neighborhoods as well as in commercial and industrial districts.
Watch the below video to learn more or visit the project webpage.
PROJECT UPDATE: Ordinance 8590, the final ordinance of the Use Table project, was adopted by City Council on November 16. This concludes the Use Table and Standards Project.
The Use Table displays the allowed land uses in the various zoning districts of the city, and is found within Chapter 6 of the Land Use Code. In 2018, the Planning Board identified the revision of the Use Table and Standards as a priority item for Land Use Code updates. Phase One of the project was completed in 2019. Phase Two was paused in Fall 2020 due to staffing challenges during the pandemic, but the work has restarted in 2022.
The initial goals of the project include:
Simplifying the Use Table and streamline the regulations where possible, making the Use Standards and Table more understandable and legible.
Creating more predictability and certainty in the Use Standards chapter of the Land Use Code.
Aligning the Use Table and permitted uses with the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan goals, policies and land use designations.
Identifying any community-desired land use gaps in the Use Table and Standards, and better enabling the desired land uses in the identified neighborhoods as well as in commercial and industrial districts.
Watch the below video to learn more or visit the project webpage.
Land Use Table and Standards has finished this stage
Completed in 2019.
Module One: Functional Fixes
Land Use Table and Standards has finished this stage
Phase Two work will be divided into three modules. Module One focused on technical and administrative updates to improve the user-friendliness of the Use Table and Standards, and was adopted on June 21, 2022.
Module Two: Industrial Areas
Land Use Table and Standards has finished this stage
Module Two analyzed industrial uses and districts, modifying regulations to allow for a more diverse mix of housing and businesses in industrial areas and was adopted on February 16, 2023.
Module Three: Neighborhoods
Land Use Table and Standards is currently at this stage
Module three will focus on implementing goals and policies of the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan, including 15-minute neighborhoods and supporting mixed-use nodes along corridors and within neighborhood centers.