2020 BVCP Mid-Term Update: 1345 S. Broadway (Mt. Hope Church)
Consultation has concluded
2020 Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan Mid-Term Update
What’s Proposed?
1345 S Broadway
The Mt. Hope Lutheran Church at 1345 S Broadway has requested consideration of a land use change from Low Density Residential (LR) to another land use designation that allows the vacant portions of the site (approx. 2 acres) to provide more benefit to the community.
Potential uses to be further explored include multi-family residential housing and/or neighborhood-serving commercial retail uses – potentially as mixed-use.
Why should this be considered?
The site is in a unique location: close to high-frequency transit and adjacent to a range of uses including multi-family and single-family housing and public schools.
The addition of housing or neighborhood-scale mixed use could help address the critical need for permanently affordable housing and/or provide walkable food or services for the nearby neighborhood and school populations.
When the city Planning Board discussed whether to move this proposal along for further consideration, they commented on the need for community feedback on what new uses people in the neighborhood and those who go to school in the area would like to see here.
What’s the Process?
This proposal is in the very early stages and there are many considerations to address including impacts on traffic and intersections, compatibility with neighborhood character and community feedback.
City staff will work with the property-owner to share their hopes for the property and design easy and safe ways for community members to discuss ideas, evaluate impacts, and shape a recommendation for future changes. Ultimately, the land use change decision lies with the Boulder Planning Board and City Council. If there is to be a change, the goal is to arrive at a new vision for this site that the neighborhood promotes.
City staff will be finalizing recommendations for all proposed changes over the next few months (Oct.-Nov. 2020). In order to keep community members safe, we are not conducting in-person meetings or events. New information will be posted regularly on the Project Website. Please provide feedback on the BeHeardBoulder Online Engagement platform or send comments or questions directly to staff: Jean Gatza at 303-441-4907 or gatzaj@bouldercolorado.gov.
Planning Board and City Council Public are anticipated to take action on the proposed changes by the end of 2020. Sign-up to receive e-mail notification for meetings, engagement opportunities, or other information regarding the BVCP Mid-Term Update here.
Helpful Background Information
The Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan (BVCP) is used by the City of Boulder and Boulder County to guide planning decisions that shape the Boulder Valley. The plan helps the Boulder community create and preserve a sustainable future and a high quality of life.
What is the difference between Land Use and Zoning?
BVCP Land Use designations outline the desired future uses as adopted on the BVCP Future Land Use Map and described in the comprehensive plan. E.g. Medium Density Residential
Zoning provides the specific regulations for uses, density, built form, and character specific to an area to implement the comprehensive plan. For example, for each BVCP land use, there are several zoning districts that can be applied to reflect different neighborhood character or other urban design goals. e.g. RM-1, RM-2, RM-3 zoning districts
When and if the BVCP Land Use changes, the zoning can then also be changed to reflect the future vision.