Boulder Valley Comp Plan Mid-Term Update

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Consultation has concluded

2020 Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan Mid-Term Update

The Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan (BVCP) is used by the City of Boulder and Boulder County to guide long-range planning, the review of development proposals and other activities that shape the built and natural environments in the Boulder Valley. The plan helps the community create and preserve a sustainable future for the Boulder Valley and a high quality of life.

The mid-term update, a routine process to ensure the BVCP incorporates recent area plans and current maps, is taking place in 2020. The mid-term update reviews progress made against objectives identified in the last major plan update, provides an opportunity for the public to request changes to the plan that do not involve significant city and county resources and makes minor additions or clarifications to the policy section.

Several sites are being considered for land use changes and there are a hand-full of policy and text changes being proposed to reflect new policy and updates since the plan was last adopted in 2017. These changes are described below. Please take a moment to learn more and provide comments on the individual pages below.

  • 30th Street / Valmont – land use changes for Phase 2A of the 2007 Transit Village Area Plan – from Mixed Use Industrial to Mixed Use Business
  • Alpine-Balsam – land use changes based on the 2019 Adopted Area Plan for the city-owned properties
  • 1345 S. Broadway (Mt. Hope Church) – from Low Density Residential to Medium or High Density Residential, Mixed Use or Business
  • 6500 Odell Place – Mixed Use Industrial to High Density Residential
  • 3015-3055 47th St. – Medium Density Residential to Business or Industrial
  • Hillside Road – Correction for Public Land Use applied to residential parcels
  • Policy Updates - to reflect adopted plans or policy direction since the last update. No new policy choices.

Helpful Background Information 

What is the difference between Land Use and Zoning?

BVCP Land Use designations outline the desired future uses as adopted on the BVCP Future Land Use Map and described in the comprehensive plan.

Zoning provides the specific regulations for uses, density, built form, and character specific to an area to implement the comprehensive plan. For example, for each BVCP land use, there are several zoning districts that can be applied to reflect different neighborhood character or other urban design goals.

When and if the BVCP Land Use changes, the zoning can then also be changed to reflect the future vision.

2020 Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan Mid-Term Update

The Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan (BVCP) is used by the City of Boulder and Boulder County to guide long-range planning, the review of development proposals and other activities that shape the built and natural environments in the Boulder Valley. The plan helps the community create and preserve a sustainable future for the Boulder Valley and a high quality of life.

The mid-term update, a routine process to ensure the BVCP incorporates recent area plans and current maps, is taking place in 2020. The mid-term update reviews progress made against objectives identified in the last major plan update, provides an opportunity for the public to request changes to the plan that do not involve significant city and county resources and makes minor additions or clarifications to the policy section.

Several sites are being considered for land use changes and there are a hand-full of policy and text changes being proposed to reflect new policy and updates since the plan was last adopted in 2017. These changes are described below. Please take a moment to learn more and provide comments on the individual pages below.

  • 30th Street / Valmont – land use changes for Phase 2A of the 2007 Transit Village Area Plan – from Mixed Use Industrial to Mixed Use Business
  • Alpine-Balsam – land use changes based on the 2019 Adopted Area Plan for the city-owned properties
  • 1345 S. Broadway (Mt. Hope Church) – from Low Density Residential to Medium or High Density Residential, Mixed Use or Business
  • 6500 Odell Place – Mixed Use Industrial to High Density Residential
  • 3015-3055 47th St. – Medium Density Residential to Business or Industrial
  • Hillside Road – Correction for Public Land Use applied to residential parcels
  • Policy Updates - to reflect adopted plans or policy direction since the last update. No new policy choices.

Helpful Background Information 

What is the difference between Land Use and Zoning?

BVCP Land Use designations outline the desired future uses as adopted on the BVCP Future Land Use Map and described in the comprehensive plan.

Zoning provides the specific regulations for uses, density, built form, and character specific to an area to implement the comprehensive plan. For example, for each BVCP land use, there are several zoning districts that can be applied to reflect different neighborhood character or other urban design goals.

When and if the BVCP Land Use changes, the zoning can then also be changed to reflect the future vision.