2020 BVCP Mid-Term Update: 3015-3055 47th St.

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Consultation has concluded

2020 Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan Mid-Term Update

What’s Proposed?

3015-3055 47th Street

A change in land use designation to reflect and support the current neighborhood-serving personal service and medical office uses.

Changes to existing buildings or uses are NOT anticipated at this time. The land use change is primarily to align the comprehensive plan land use and zoning to support the existing and continued uses at this location. Read the Draft Recommendations here.

The anticipated land use change would be from Medium Density Residential (MR) to Transitional Business (TB)

Read more HERE Site Location

Building on the Site

Initial Evaluation and Findings

This property is at the southwest corner of land that was annexed into the City of Boulder in 1979. From the original annexation, this parcel was intended for industrial use, but the land use for all of the annexation was Medium Density Residential (MR).

The current office buildings were approved and built between 1986 and 1993. In 1997, there was a comprehensive rezoning of areas in the City and this piece of land was incorporated into the Center Green rezoning, and assigned Industrial General zoning even though the building style is more suited to professional services than industrial office uses.

The applicant requested a land use change (and rezoning) that supports the historic uses on the site and could provide the opportunity to add mixed-use or housing at some point in the future. Some personal service or professional office uses that are desirable in this location are not allowed by-right in the IG zoning. The current business uses provide both a useful transition between residential uses and a major arterial and services for the neighborhood.

Staff is recommending a land use designation of “Transition Business”. As described in the BVCP, these are areas typically “at the intersection of and along certain major streets. These are areas usually zoned for less-intensive business uses than in the General Business areas. They will often provide a transition to residential areas. A mix of uses is allowed, including housing.”

This designation with corresponding future rezoning would:

  • Allow and support current uses, aligns with existing character
  • Not create non-conforming uses or buildings
  • Potentially allow residential uses in future

Current BVCP Land Use

What’s the Process?

City staff will be finalizing recommendations for all proposed changes over the next few months (Oct.-Nov. 2020). In order to keep community members safe, we are not conducting in-person meetings or events. New information will be posted regularly on the Project Website. Please provide feedback on the form below or send comments or questions directly to staff: Jean Gatza at 303-441-4907 or gatzaj@bouldercolorado.gov.

Planning Board and City Council Public are anticipated to take action on the proposed changes by the end of 2020. Sign-up to receive e-mail notification for meetings, engagement opportunities, or other information regarding the BVCP Mid-Term Update here.

2020 Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan Mid-Term Update

What’s Proposed?

3015-3055 47th Street

A change in land use designation to reflect and support the current neighborhood-serving personal service and medical office uses.

Changes to existing buildings or uses are NOT anticipated at this time. The land use change is primarily to align the comprehensive plan land use and zoning to support the existing and continued uses at this location. Read the Draft Recommendations here.

The anticipated land use change would be from Medium Density Residential (MR) to Transitional Business (TB)

Read more HERE Site Location

Building on the Site

Initial Evaluation and Findings

This property is at the southwest corner of land that was annexed into the City of Boulder in 1979. From the original annexation, this parcel was intended for industrial use, but the land use for all of the annexation was Medium Density Residential (MR).

The current office buildings were approved and built between 1986 and 1993. In 1997, there was a comprehensive rezoning of areas in the City and this piece of land was incorporated into the Center Green rezoning, and assigned Industrial General zoning even though the building style is more suited to professional services than industrial office uses.

The applicant requested a land use change (and rezoning) that supports the historic uses on the site and could provide the opportunity to add mixed-use or housing at some point in the future. Some personal service or professional office uses that are desirable in this location are not allowed by-right in the IG zoning. The current business uses provide both a useful transition between residential uses and a major arterial and services for the neighborhood.

Staff is recommending a land use designation of “Transition Business”. As described in the BVCP, these are areas typically “at the intersection of and along certain major streets. These are areas usually zoned for less-intensive business uses than in the General Business areas. They will often provide a transition to residential areas. A mix of uses is allowed, including housing.”

This designation with corresponding future rezoning would:

  • Allow and support current uses, aligns with existing character
  • Not create non-conforming uses or buildings
  • Potentially allow residential uses in future

Current BVCP Land Use

What’s the Process?

City staff will be finalizing recommendations for all proposed changes over the next few months (Oct.-Nov. 2020). In order to keep community members safe, we are not conducting in-person meetings or events. New information will be posted regularly on the Project Website. Please provide feedback on the form below or send comments or questions directly to staff: Jean Gatza at 303-441-4907 or gatzaj@bouldercolorado.gov.

Planning Board and City Council Public are anticipated to take action on the proposed changes by the end of 2020. Sign-up to receive e-mail notification for meetings, engagement opportunities, or other information regarding the BVCP Mid-Term Update here.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
    Consultation has concluded
    Share Feedback on the proposed land use change from Medium Density Residential (MR) to Transitional Business (TB) at 3015-3055 47th Street on Facebook Share Feedback on the proposed land use change from Medium Density Residential (MR) to Transitional Business (TB) at 3015-3055 47th Street on Twitter Share Feedback on the proposed land use change from Medium Density Residential (MR) to Transitional Business (TB) at 3015-3055 47th Street on Linkedin Email Feedback on the proposed land use change from Medium Density Residential (MR) to Transitional Business (TB) at 3015-3055 47th Street link