2020 BVCP Mid-Term Update: 30th Street / Valmont
Consultation has concluded
2020 Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan Mid-Term Update
What’s Happening?
Included in this update process is consideration of Land Use changes to implement Phase 2A of the 2007 Transit Village Area Plan (TVAP) which includes properties along the west side of 30th Street between Valmont and Pearl. Implementation of the rest of Phase 2 (east of the railroad tracks) is anticipated at a later time.
The Transit Village Area Plan (TVAP) was developed to outline the city’s vision for the future of the 160-acre Transit Village (now typically referred to as Boulder Junction) and guide long-term development of the area. An area planning process provides the opportunity for the community to evaluate and shape its expectations and goals for the area in anticipation of significant changes. It also ensures public improvements will be in place.
The Vision outlined in the plan describes “The Transit Village area will be:
- A lively and engaging place with a diversity of uses, including employment, retail, arts and entertainment, with housing that serves a diversity of ages, incomes, and ethnicities.
- A place that is not overly planned, with a “charming chaos” that exhibits a variety of building sizes, styles, and densities where not everything looks the same.
- A place with both city-wide and neighborhood-scale public spaces. A place that attracts and engages a broad spectrum of the community, not just people who live and work here or come to accesss the transit in the area.
- A place that emphasizes and provides for alternative energy, sustainability, walking, biking and possible car-free areas.”
Phase I of the plan includes areas on the east side of 30th Street to the railroad tracks; Valmont Road to Walnut Street. Redevelopment of Phase I largely complete. The TVAP Implementation Plan indicates Phase 2A can move ahead when evaluation of alignment options and design of a Bluff Street connection west of 30th Street has been completed and funding identified. The city and neighboring property-owners are currently working together to finalize the design and funding. Additionally the city purchased land in this area to relocate Fire Station #3 and will be constructing a new station.
What’s Proposed?
Land Use Changes: west side of 30th Street properties between Valmont Road and Pearl Street
For this area, TVAP recommends the following:
- BVCP Land Use Change: from Mixed Use Industrial to Mixed-Use Business to encourage redevelopment to a mixture of commercial and residential uses.
The TVAP description of the 30th Street Corridor includes:
"Currently the 30th Street Corridor District is mostly zoned transitional business (BT1). The west side of 30th Street is predominantly automobile-oriented retail or storage uses; the east side of 30th Street is predominantly mixed-use, urban storefronts.
With a Change to a mixed-use designation, the district will evolve to take on the character set by the Steelyards project: a mixture of commercial and residential uses in two- to three-story buildings located along the street, with parking behind, supported by a network of new streets and alleys. The vision is to transform 30th Street into a business main street, with neighborhood and community-serving retail, restaurants, commercial services and offices. New transportation connections, wide sidewalks, first-floor storefronts, pedestrian-scale architecture, street trees and furnishings, and on-street parking will help create a more pedestrian-friendly 30th Street. New housing will most likely be located internally to properties, away from 30th Street, and will range from townhouses to higher-density apartments."
What’s the BVCP Update Process?
While the BVCP land use changes for this area are relatively straight-forward based on the adopted Transit Village Area Plan, city staff will be finalizing recommendations for all proposed changes over the next few months (Oct.-Nov. 2020). In order to keep community members safe, we are not conducting in-person meetings or events. New information will be posted regularly on the Project Website. Please provide feedback on the form below or send comments or questions directly to staff: Jean Gatza at 303-441-4907 or gatzaj@bouldercolorado.gov.
Planning Board and City Council Public are anticipated to take action on the proposed changes by the end of 2020. Sign-up to receive e-mail notification for meetings, engagement opportunities, or other information regarding the BVCP Mid-Term Update here.
Read more about the draft recommendations here.